THINGS I COULD DO (if i wanted)

this picture of Ann-Margret always gives me a smile...

the dog has been walked.

the litter box has been cleaned/re-newed/re-freshed.

the garbage has been taken out.

the house has been cleaned-up a bit.

the kitchen and the dishes are clean.

small lunch has been had.

unmemorable but beautiful visit to the beach has been done twice today.

no therapy this week. therapist is on vacation.

left to stew in all my swirling thoughts.

no money to take in a movie.

too easily distracted to read.

so, i sit at the window cigarette in hand and contemplate the possibilities that today could hold.

what could i do today if i were of a mind to do?

1. run naked down Geary Blvd

2. knock over a store and go on a wild shopping spree.

3. give Little Bagel a punk rock hair cut with the clippers.

4. sell everything i owned before i met Mr. B to see how much i could get for the junk i’ve accumulated.

5. walk from one end of San Francisco to the other and then it would probably be close to the time i need to leave to pick up Mr. B.

6. go to the mall, order a diet coke and watch the people.

7. attempt to shop lift a new hoodie from Nordsroms.

8. …maybe the gap is a better place to attempt shop lifting as i don’t think those employees care.

9. go to an expensive downtown shoe store and try on every shoe in the store and then toss one of the boxes up into the air and go on about the sad fashion of all the shoes and march out in a huff.

10. walk through Golden Gate Park and try to pretend that I love the “natural” beauty of the trees and other green things.

11. dye my hair green.

12. dye Little Bagel’s hair blue.

13. surf the net for nothing in particular.

14. essentially anything to avoid having to get too caught up in this mind of mine.

If Ann-Margret is the ultimate Sex Kitten, what would that make Goldie Hawn?

June 21, 2010. Tags: , , , , , , , , , . Uncategorized. 8 comments.