I’ve forgotten the movie so I don’t know how to credit the quote, but it struck me as interesting. A man is discussing a past love and the way she never fell for his lies. And, the woman with whom he is having the conversation casually observes:

“…She was one of those people who could see better in the dark…”

I can’t see in the dark. I can’t tell when someone is lying to me. But, I know the comfort of love and another kind of love which can only be given by a dog who knows no better than to to love all the time. …or, maybe I mistake her love for the burning interest in figuring out how she might eat me if I should fall and die. Hmmmm…. No, I don’t think that is what she is thinking when she licks me and wants to be held. It is love. Puppy love.

…I was actually listening to a bit of great vinyl from the folks at Get Back Recordings by The Bill Evans Trio called “Time Remembered” …but I was too lazy to search for their LP cover. But, this is quite close as it is the same picture placed on the jacket of the LP:

January 28, 2008. Tags: , , , , . Uncategorized. 12 comments.