“Only clowns would play with those balloons…”

…the song is not about what you might think — especially given the way cool Super 8 movie that Alison Goldfrapp made to accompany the UK box set release of awesome new Goldfrapp!!! Yes, it has officially arrived to both the UK and the US!

Granted, gone is the glitter magic happy of glam disco — but as my pal, Walter, pointed out — present is the quiet, sunny and erotic! And, as I’ve already written, it more shimmers than glitters.

And, as The Great Dessie pointed out to me not too long ago — “…we’ll always have Paris”

No! Wait! That isn’t what he told me.

No, he said — “…we’ll always have ‘Supernature'” …and, so, it is time to move on and hope we don’t find ourselves asking, “How did I get to Accident and Emergency?!?!?”

…maybe it really is just pills at work! No. I think it is a great new recording from the mind that is Alison Goldfrapp and Will Gregory! God bless ’em!

Anyway, I think everyone needs to rush out and purchase or officially download the new LP!

February 27, 2008. Tags: , . Uncategorized.


  1. Old Cheeser replied:

    I liked the single so I look forward to hearing the rest of the album. Not sure if I will purchase it though, might, ahem, download from Limewire if I can … sssssh!!

  2. matty replied:

    Cool Old Cheeser! The only person to comment on my Goldfrapp posting! And, you’re going to secure the LP illegally! Awwwwwh!!! LOL! I think you’ll like it! Kisses!

  3. hot lunch replied:

    Done! i bought the cool deluxe version with the bonus dvd… i have the owl postcard up at my desk where i’m sure nobody at work will notice it cause nobody at work is cool.

  4. matty replied:

    Hot Lunch! Wow! Good for you! …if there is anyone cool there and they pass your desk — you could end up with a lunch pal! …it could happen!

  5. Dessie replied:

    I thought I said “We’ll always have that night at Hooters”, but the crack has done such things to my brain. I’m only half the man I used to be!

  6. matty03 replied:

    Dessie! oh, that night at Hooters! well, there would at least be some warmth to lay your head upon! ( tho, that warmth might be a bit fake ) …I guess that is why only clowns play with those balloons.

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